Upkeep phase

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The upkeep phase is the first phase in an Arkham Horror game turn. During the Upkeep Phase, each player takes the following actions, in order.

1. Refresh Exhausted Cards

Some cards exhaust themselves when used, which means that they are turned face down for the remainder of the turn. At the start of the Upkeep Phase, each player refreshes those cards by turning them face up. Simply remember that you can use face-up cards and that you cannot use face-down cards until you turn them face up again during the next Upkeep Phase.

Example: Richard (playing Harvey Walters) cast his Wither spell last turn, forcing him to exhaust the card by turning it face down. During the Upkeep Phase, Richard turns the Wither spell face up once more. The spell is now ready for him to cast again.

2. Perform Upkeep Actions

After refreshing his exhausted cards, each player must review his investigator’s cards to see if any of them have an Upkeep action. Each player must perform all Upkeep actions listed on his investigator’s cards every turn. Upkeep actions may be taken in any order the player wishes. Bless, Curse, Bank Loan, and Retainer cards do not require an upkeep roll during the first Upkeep Phase after an investigator acquires them.

Example: Looking over his cards, Richard finds that he has a Retainer card, which requires an Upkeep action. First, Richard receives $2 for the Retainer. He takes two money tokens from the pile of money tokens in the play area. Richard must then roll a die to see if he keeps or loses the Retainer. Richard is fortunate and keeps the Retainer card for another turn.

3. Adjust Skills

Finally, each player may adjust his investigator’s Skill values using the three skill sliders he placed on his investigator sheet during game setup.

Exception: During game setup, players may set their three skill sliders on any of the four stops on their three skill tracks. This initial setup does not adhere to the normal rules that restrict the number of stops a slider may be moved each turn.