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Investigators who become devoured are considered to be instantly and irrevocably destroyed. They are removed from the game. The affected player must immediately discard all of their cards (including Unique Items, Common Items, Allies, Spells, and so on), but keeps all monster and gate trophies. If the game is not in the middle of the Final Battle, the affected player draws a new investigator at random and begins play at the start of the next game turn as if he were starting a new game.

Additionally, some Ancient Ones (such as Eihort) have special events that occur when an investigator is devoured.

Ways to become Devoured

An investigator can be devoured if:

  • They are reduced to both 0 Sanity and 0 Stamina at the same time
  • Their maximum sanity or maximum stamina is reduced to 0
  • The player draws a Madness card that matches an existing Madness card they already possess.
  • The player draws an Injury card that matches an existing Injury card they already possess.
  • The investigator gains a Brood token when Eihort is the Ancient One, and then rolls a die with a result less than the number of brood tokens they already possess.
  • The investigator draws a visage token with Ghatanothoa's face on it when Ghatanothoa is the Ancient One.
  • The investigator draws a dust card that indicates he is devoured when Quachil Uttaus is the Ancient One.
  • The investigator becomes lost in time and space when Yog-Sothoth is the Ancient One.
  • The investigator is lost in time and space when the Ancient One awakens.
  • The investigator can be devoured if they draw an Innsmouth Look card that turns them into a Deep One.
  • Amanda Sharpe will become devoured if she fails her personal mission.
  • Silas Marsh will become devoured if he succeeds or fails his personal story.
  • Rex Murphy can become devoured if he fails his personal story, and becomes Cursed when he is already cursed.
  • Leo Anderson will become devoured if he fails his personal story and loses an Ally.
  • Certain other in-game effects (e.g. the Old Debts Come Due! mythos card is drawn after a player has made a deal with the Old Man on Wizard's Hill)